Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How can I treat my anxiety at home?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. How can I treat my anxiety at home?

3 Answers

I think you are asking whether or not home remedies help. I think if it’s not debilitating anxiety then calming tea without caffeine and reducing sugar and caffeine intake and exercising helps.

Hope that helps
The best "at-home" treatment for anxiety, which I recommend to virtually all of my patients, is meditation. You don't have to be able to sit in a lotus position, but you do have to be persistent. Meditation feels awkward and pointless at the beginning, but keep practicing. It often helps to start with a meditation or mindfulness app on your phone. There are dozens to choose from. Commit to spending 15 minutes per day for at least three weeks. I have patients who have been able to work their way off of medications by using daily meditation. Good luck and good health.
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