Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How do you relieve middle back pain?

I have middle back pain. How do you relieve middle back pain?

6 Answers

Make sure your midback is moving well with chiropractic care, strong neck and midback muscles, and most likely posture can be improved.
Depends what caused it. Massage and stretching can work if muscle related
Chiropractic if joint related. Heat pads for tension and stiffness or cold of inflammation and sharp pain
Middle back pain is sometimes characteristic of the existence of 6 lumbar vertebrae. I recommend swimming and muscle relaxants.
Hi,        Thank you for reaching out. It would be best to come in for an appointment so the doctor can further access on how to relieve your back pain.  I hope this helps!  Best, Kam Team PHC
Middle back pain is frequent to people who have a hard and repetitive work to do every day. Other times, it shows up to someone who forced their back into heavy lifting. Since the middle back is opposite to the stomach digestive system, it may be a food allergy who is the cause of the pain.

Whatever it may be, the therapist in Ear reflexology will follow the protocole to identify its real cause of your now situation. Using your pulse and the filters, he/she will be able to find three points and after triggering them, you should be bale to feel more mobile in your middle back.

You will probably need to visit a few other times, but if really your situation have been identified by your doctor and you would still have the pain, then by this therapy, it will be taken care of. Our bodies have a mind of their own and sometimes an alternative approach will solve it. Take care!

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