Councelor/Therapist Questions Psychologist

How long does it take for CBT to work for schizophrenia?

My friend was diagnosed with schizophrenia. How long does it take for CBT to work for schizophrenia?

6 Answers

In one article by BMC Psychiatry in a randomized control trial among 33 studies and a total of 1,142 patients, 44.5 and 13.2 % of the patients reached a minimally improved status and a 50 % much improved status and reduction of overall symptoms. Likewise, 52.9 and 24.8% of the patients reached a 20%/50% reduction of positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Because of the uniqueness and the varying diagnosis of symptoms from patient to patient, it is subjective and therefore always difficult to say as to the length of CBT sessions before positive outcomes are reached but, on average, people could expect to see results and reduction of symptoms from CBT therapy in 4 to 6 sessions within a four month window of time providing they can consistently work with their mental health professional in their treatment. As always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak
CBT is not the most effective treatment for schizophrenia. Usually medication is needed in addition to any form of psychotherapy. It may take some trial and error to find the best medication but once established it will be important to stay on the medication. Lenore Walker
Oftentimes, people may be prescribed what is considered to be the "full" treatment of CBT which is about 16 sessions on average (but ranging between 12 and 20 sessions typically). However, this is not intended to "cure" schizophrenia, and it is typically advised that schizophrenia be treated with a combination of psychotropic medication (particularly an antipsychotic) as well as therapy. One caveat though: Some individuals with schizophrenia tend to exhibit more paranoid tendencies, so therapy can be tricky for these folks as it may be difficult to build a therapeutic alliance.
Medication is the first course of treatment for schizophrenia and family and milieu therapy are the most effective treatment therapy wise for schizophrenia. There is no timeframe for treatment, because it depends on the individual and their willingness to partake in therapy. Medications are the key for schizophrenia sadly
Medication is considered the primary treatment for schizophrenia. CBT is used to supplement medication, not replace it. CBT is usually a short-term course of therapy, taking from 6 to 9 months.
How long does CBT take schizophrenia?
Medication is considered the primary treatment for schizophrenia. CBT is used to supplement medication, not replace it. CBT is usually a short-term course of therapy, taking from 6 to 9 months.