Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for muscle pain?

I have muscle pain in my leg. How long does it take for acupuncture to work for muscle pain?

22 Answers

Results from receiving Acupuncture can be immediate, or they can take up to one or two days. Every individual is different, and the type of treatment rendered by your practitioner will also determine how quickly and how much relief comes from the treatment.
Thank you for asking the question! Yes, acupuncture can relieve muscle pain immediately.
Depending on the form of acupuncture used (acupuncture alone, acupuncture with electric stim, or dry needling) it can be immediate relief or take a couple of sessions. It also depends on the degree of the disorder and patient's condition.
You will notice improvement after just the first treatment. Treatments build on each other so it is helpful to come in 2x/week for 2 weeks, then weekly for a month and that should take care of your pain! Brittany Petrick, L.Ac., MSOM Harmonizing Healthcare * <>* (928) 856-0656
Acupuncture work quickly l. You should feel better right away.
It depends on each individual person and situation! It might take one visit or it might take weeks or days ! If it's a new muscle pain and it might takes one visit ! However if you have pain for a long time and it Will require longer time to heal.
Pretty much without exception clinically, patients seems to all feel immediate muscle pain relief! If you want more info,
As will all pain, it depends on the cause. From over work, one treatment and some rest. If it is sprained or over stretched, it takes much longer. If it is nerve pain, then the cause of the nerve impingement must also be fixed. If the pain is due to either organ or channel issues, then it depends on what is causing it and how long it will take to resolve the issue. For example, shoulder pain, especially right shoulder or even frozen shoulder, is frequently caused by liver issues. It takes time to fix the lever and usually requires lifestyle and diet changes as well. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), of which acupuncture is only one part, treats the whole person, not just the symptoms. You did not indicate which muscle, how long it has been hurting, or if you know the cause (trauma, sudden onset, slowly getting worse, and many other factors). All of this information needs to be collected in order to properly diagnose and treat any pain or condition.
It is based on the nature of the condition, the duration acute vs chronic and the health of the patient. The results can be immediate or it can take time based on the factors mentioned.
The answer depends on the severity and length of time you have been experiencing this pain. Initial results will be quick, but may not last, depending on aggravating factors in your activities post-treatment. Generally rule of thumb is one week for each month of symptoms for chronic pain. Acupuncture often relieves symptoms of acute trauma quickly, then follow ups work to sustain recovery and speed healing. We work. With each patient and create a treatment plan suited to their specific situation and needs, including self care tips/exercises to maximize benefits between treatments.
Research shows acupuncture is most useful for pain and stress/anxiety issues. However, relief from acupuncture treatments may vary due to the severity of the condition. Usually, conditions considered chronic with consistent pain for over several months to years may require longer & consistent treatment for relief. Check with your primary to see if alternative medicine would be beneficial for your condition. - Live Happy, Michael
Anywhere from one treatment to several treatments depending on the cause. We have seen people come in with sciatica and back to normal after one treatment. Normally, it takes longer.

Holly Mamiye, L.A.c
Zen & Go
Acupuncture & Healing Center
189 Elm St, Westfield, NJ 07090
1-877-YO-ZEN-GO (1-877-969-3646)
We will exam 1st. Then provide dry needling 1st. Patients will find instant results in general.
Depending on patients’ medical histories and conditions, each patient will have different responses. Patients will have to follow up in 3-7days depending on severity.
Patients will be examined again on how much difference they have experienced since the initial acupuncture treatment.
Then we can give patients a plan for symptomatology.
If we find limitations in improvements, we will apply different plans as a holistic approach.
it depends, sometimes it is 1 treatment sometimes it is 5 -15 treatments, sometimes more. It depends on what is going on and many factors
It depends on what is causing the pain. I don't have enough detail in your question. It could change rapidly, in 1-3 treatments, and it could take months of regular, weekly or bi-weekly treatments.
It needs 3-4 acupuncture sessions , it would be enough.
Everyone is different, and it can depend on how long you've had the symptom, but sometimes patients can start feeling relief right away. It may not last and will probably take a series of treatments to actually allow your body to heal and fix the problem, but I have success with curing all kinds of leg pain.
It depends on the cause and duration of the pain. If it's acute it should improve fast (in a week or after 3 treatments).
Acupuncture is very effective for muscle pain and usually, patients feel relief after 3-4 sessions. However, we recommend 12 sessions for a complete treatment course. Read more here:
Acupuncture with massage and herbs can relieve your pain gradually.
This is a question I get a lot and, to be honest, it's a fair question. I've been in practice for several years and I average over 100 patients per week. In those many thousands of encounters I've noticed people tend to fall into about 4 treatment buckets.

1. Somewhere around 5% of the population does not respond to acupuncture - at all. It doesn't matter who they see or how many times they go, acupuncture produces no results for them. We don't know why this happens, we just know that it's a pretty consistent slice of the population.

The other 95% of the population fall out like this:

2. Some people get almost instant results. I can get one or two needles in and they're already feeling a difference in their issue.

3. Some people don't notice any change during or immediately after the initial treatment. 24-36 hours later though, they can tell things are feeling better.

4. Some people don't notice any change after the first or second treatment, but they can tell things are improving after the third or fourth treatment.

Which one of these cases do you fall into? I don't know. No one knows. The only way to figure it out is to find a local, board certified, acupuncturist and try it.