Radiologist Questions Radiologist

How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after ablation?

I will have ablation for varicose veins. How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after ablation?

2 Answers

In general, 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes up to 6 weeks.
This answer corresponds to ablation of long or short saphenous vein; ablation of these vein addresses underlying causes of the varicose veins i.e. venous reflux or venous incompetence. Following ablation, varicose veins usually get smaller and leg likely to become less symptomatic. However, varicose veins will remain in the leg in some occasion may be unchanged if they are connected to leaking perforating veins. To make varicose veins disappear stab phlebectomy is recommended. Following stab phlebectomy where in surgeon physically remove the varicose veins; those veins will disappear and most of the times in 2-3 months post procedure, cosmetically appear much improved in terms of appearance.
Good luck!

Umashankar Ballehaninna MD