Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatrist

How long does it take to fix a heel spur?

I have a heel spur. How long does it take to fix a heel spur?

4 Answers

Hi! I would recommend an evaluation by a podiatrist because a heel spur is not usually the source of pain and removal is a last resort. The procedure is generally a quick one.
Heel spurs generally are not operated for many years since important ligaments and muscle engines are attached to this bony location snd although the pain is reduced, your foot arch will collapse creating many new problems.
See my many responses on this site to people about heel pain and plantar fasciitis. The 'spur' is actually an artifact/side effect of having a problem with the plantar fascia, which is a ligament. Very easy to treat.
Heel spurs usually are not the cause of pain of they are on the bottom of the foot. I recommend you make an appointment with a podiatrist (foot and ankle specialist) for diagnosis and treatment options