Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long does post-LASIK dryness last?

I have dry eyes after LASIK. Is it normal? How long does post-LASIK dryness last?

3 Answers

It is quite normal to have post-op LASIK dryness which can last 6-12 months or longer. When you had LASIK, your corneal nerves were cut, which in time tend to regenerate. These corneal nerves serve to react to your eyes being dry and your "reflex tearing" can be affected. The tears serve an important function especially to wet the corneas and conjunctivae. There are artificial tears, gels, or ointments that should have been prescribed to you post-op. If this is a bigger problem for you, punctal plugs can be used in the short term or long term. These are plugs that are placed in the puncta of the eye where your tears drain. The plugs can be applied to the superior (above) or inferior (below) puncta depending upon how severe the problem is. Please contact your eye doctor's office in order to see what should be done in your case. Good luck and best wishes.
For most patients, it usually takes 1-2 months before the dryness ends. That being said, I once had a patient who took almost a year to feel "normal". We always educate the patient that each result will vary the average is a couple of months.
It could be lifelong