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How long is recovery after heel surgery?

I will have heel surgery. How long is recovery after heel surgery?

10 Answers

Usually 2 to 3 months
Depends on what the surgery was for. Heel spur recovery can be anywhere from several weeks to several months. If it's to repair a fracture, plan on the 3 months and be prepared to be non-weight bearing.
Depends if it was surgical or non surgical
Usually 6-8 weeks
it depends on what type of procedure that is being performed. If it's an endoscopic plantar fasciotomy usually 4 to 8 weeks should be ample time for the average surgery to heal. It was a different type of procedure than it might take longer. Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885
Recovery varies WIDELY depending on the type of heel surgery you are having. Anywhere from 4 weeks to 4 months or longer. I would always recommend patients discuss this with their surgeon and make sure this is clear beforehand.
Hi! Soft tissue takes 4-6 weeks to heal and bone takes 6-8 weeks to heal.
Need to know the type of surgery
Recovery will be determined what procedure is performed. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
That depends on what type of heel surgery you have. 3-12 weeks might be a good gauge if you consider most types of heel surgery.
Recovery depends on a few things, type surgery being done, surgeon techique, surgeon preference, hardware used, etc... At my office feet n beyond, surgery for heel conditions is done in office, with no hardware, done under only local anesthesia, patients walk out of the office in a recovery boot. typical full return to normal life in 3-6 wks.