Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long is vision blurry after Lasik?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know how long is vision blurry after Lasik?

4 Answers

Thank you for the question, usually one day after LASIK your vision will be normal.
Over 97% of our lasik patients are 20/20 or better the next morning. Various things, including the amount of correction and just healing process can cause the vision to come in more slowly but lasik should be a quick recover. Remember to use the drops, follow your surgeons directions and use artificial tears.
Your vision will be blurry during the first days but symptoms should improve considerably as the days pass. You should contact your doctor immediately if you have pain or loss of vision.
It varies from person to person. Usually, I see amazing results 1 day post off. But normally by 1 week it almost always starts improving. By 1 month, you will see more improvement. It’s a slow healing process.