Dentist Questions Dentist

How long should a dental bone graft hurt?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know how long should a dental bone graft hurt?

6 Answers

it should not hurt, maybe some discomfort after extraction, take Advil, 7 days maximum
Bone grafts dont add much discomfort to the recovery when done in addition to a tooth extraction.
Well take more than 4 hours, but if you take some pain killer will reduce the pain effect.
How traumatic was the surgery? What type of graft was performed? How large was the area that is involved? What response do YOU have to treatment? All of these factors and more go into the answer. The graft is a surgical wound. Like any wound, it goes through several stages of healing. The acute phase is the immediate response, this can last from 48 hours to a week. After this is a consolidation phase, then a maturation phase of the area. All of this can feel abnormal. Most of the time, a graft is like an extraction.
It is important to follow the postoperative instructions given at the time of the procedure. If pain from a bone graft exceeds three days, please contact your dentist.

Thank you,

Dr. Stoddart
It could be sore for 48-72 hours, but it shouldn’t really be painful. Call the Dr that placed it if you’re having pain.