Dentist Questions Dentist

How quickly do teeth move with Invisalign?

I want to straighten my teeth with Invisalign. How quickly do teeth move with Invisalign?

5 Answers

Depends on the case - however, there's a specific rate of movement we utilize to ensure the teeth move safely and don't damage the bone supporting them.
Movement is very gradual but very precise and can take anywhere from 6-24 months depending upon the complexity and distance of the movement to achieve the desired results. Everyone is different on how compliant they are in consistently wearing the aligners.
Usually very quickly, as soon as three days, but depending on the severity of the issues, results won't be visible until at least 2-4 months.
With the first aligner there is movement. With any orthodontic therapy only incremental movement is ideal to lessen sensitivity and resorption possibility.
The speed teeth move with any orthodontic method depends on several factors. An Invisalign dentist is capable of giving you an estimated time you will be in braces to achieve your goal. Visit one today to get started on your new smile.