Chiropractor Questions Orthopedist

How should I sleep with middle back pain?

I have middle back pain. How should I sleep with middle back pain?

4 Answers

With mid-back pain, you should try to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. This will take the stress off your mid and lower back to help you sleep better. You should never sleep on your stomach, pain or not, due to the hyper-lordosis (exaggerated curve) it puts in your lower back and the strain it puts on your neck, having it turned to one side or the other as you sleep. Side sleeping is fine with a pillow between your knees, to keep your pelvis level, but with mid-back pain, this can be aggravating due to the tendency to arch your mid-back in the fetal position, curling up in a ball. I hope this helps and as always, seek out a reputable chiropractor who is focused on your health. *Gena Wickes, DC, cAVCA*
The best position to sleep is on your back, then side sleeping. You should avoid sleeping on your stomach. Get in to see your local Gonstead Chiropractor to find out why you have the back pain though.
Depending on several factors, you can help alleviate your mid-back pain by side sleeping, with support where needed to keep your spine level. If your mattress is older, it could be time for a change. Have your mid back pain checked out by a competent chiropractor, they can set up a care plan and give you other options perhaps. Best of health, Dr Charlie Armour, Armour Chiropractic.
Pain is an indication that your body needs help. If you treat the pain without treating the cause, your body does not improve. As a chiropractor, I find and treat the cause of the pain and people get better