Cardiologist Questions Pulmonologist

How to build up lungs/breathing?

I recently had Bronchitis that turned into Pneumonia. I failed a stress test because I couldn't breath. How long to recover? How can I improve my breathing so I can pass this treadmill test? I just turned 50 and I'm a bladder cancer survivor.

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Losartan Hydro, Famotidine, Symbicort, Vitamin B
Conditions: high BP, IBS, cancer survivor

2 Answers

Dear build up breathing
You did not fail the stress test but exercised poorly because of SOB (you are not a sob) shortness of breath- (that was a joke)
The most common cause of SOB is poor physical conditioning however many medical conditions can also cause SOB such as CHF (congestive heart failure) CAD (coronary artery disease) or simply anemia
Look into breathing techniques such as butyko breathing or box breathing to start with