Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How to help my daughter?

My daughter is 27 years old and for years now she has to use fleet inserts to have a bowel movement.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 4 or more
Medications: none
Conditions: none

4 Answers

That should generally not be the case since your daughter is so young. She should see the gastroenterologist for further evaluation.
Using fleets enema before a bowel movement? This is a serious problem, and should be addressed ASAP by her family doc or a specialist. It could be a problem of diet, but it could also be due to nutrient deficiencies or some kind of infection. Besides what could cause it, the effects of stool sitting in the bowel for days to weeks could be bad. Many toxins are eliminated in the stool, so the stool just sitting there can lead to some of the toxins being reabsorbed, and that could have its own problems. The possibilities are many, so it's best to see a doctor, and if you don't get results, see someone else until this is solved.
I wish the daughter the best.
Seems a missed congenital disorder. Has she seen a physician?
She should see a GI specialist, especially one who focuses on constipation or functional disorders of the gut. Such a doctor is usually found at a university center. Some testing may be necessary and prescription medications might help.