Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How to stop diarrhea?

I have a lot of gas and diarrhea. It really comes out of me for three days now. I'm age 76. I've taken some loperamide helps very little thank you.

Female | 76 years old
Complaint duration: 05 days
Medications: januvia, ozempic, lipitor, omeprazole, metoprolol tartrate, losartin, melaxicam, premarin, asa 81mg, vits: D3,C, B-complex
Conditions: diabetes, HBP, etc

3 Answers

At your age I suggest that you avoid loperamide and visit a specialist if you still have symptoms.
Take care to stay hydrated. Adjust your diet intake. Eliminate animal fats, milk products, and caffeine. Eat one banana twice a day plus a small amount of brown rice plus half an apple twice a day.

Diarrhea often comes and goes, so three days of diarrhea may not be something that requires treatment. It may be self limited gastroenteritis. If it persists then see a PCP or GI doctor.