Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist

How to treat my issues?

I've lost 55 pounds, I've tried low-fodmap. I've been on Xifaxin Neomycin and twice, Nystatin that was a little too much. I'm starving, If I eat the next day, I have sore pain. The pain soreness I get starts all over again. I have motility problems and bad feelings of grumbling. I feel a heartbeat in my stomach, especially when I wake up. What could this be?

Male | 66 years old
Complaint duration: January 1 2017
Conditions: Ibsc , MOTILITY ISSUES!! SIBO !! SIFO , IMO

3 Answers

Consult Fuctional Medicine and GI.

The heartbeat you perceive in your abdomen is most likely the natural pulse of your aorta, the great artery that passes from the heart, then sends branches to all of your organs. If you have lost weight, this pulse when laying down can be more obvious. There are other conditions that may make this pulse more prominent, so I would recommend you discuss this with your primary care provider as well. As for your GI symptoms, if you are not current on colonoscopy assessment of your colon, this should be pursued. I presume you are under the care of a gastroenterologist and would defer to their knowledge of your history on this topic.
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Xifaxin, neomycin, and Nystatin are all prescription medications. It sounds like you have been seeing a physician for your issues. Please share your concerns with him/her. Perhaps you need a motility disorder specialist -- NOT a surgeon -- if your physician has not been able to diagnose your specific problem or if you are still having issues despite treatment.