Naturopathic Physician Questions Pain Relievers

I am very intolerant of narcotics

With my intolerance of narcotics, what might be an option for me when I do need a serious pain killer? I know I need to have joint replacement surgery in the near future and the thought of going through that without pain killers is frightening.

10 Answers

There are other classes of pain medications outside of narcotics which can help with pain. These include acetaminophen, NSAIDs, tramadol, neuropathic medications, lidocaine patches, as well as a number of other medications which are used for pain management issues. Also medical marijuana (depending on which state you live in) is also being used for pain related issues.
Ask your doctor about other pain medications, such as, Toradol, which is a NSAID and not a narcotic but is opiod like. It is hard on the kidneys so can't be taken daily but can be effective for acute pain. Consider acupuncture, anti-inflammatory herbs and medications and consider speaking with a pain management doctor to plan ideas that may assist you during your recovery period from surgery.
Existen analgésicos de origen natural excelentes de acción rápida y sin efectos secundarios, podemos utilizar de una forma segura por ejemplo la corteza de sauce blanco, que es de los más simples como lo es la cúrcuma, la yuca, pero hay de acción específica y orientados a en este caso por ejemplo a tus articulaciones o tu estructura ósea son más complejos y podemos hacer una combinación que sea noble y no sea antagónica me gustaría saber más de tus estudios para poder orientarte mejor al respecto, saludos
The thought would give me serious anxiety as well. Your options are limited, but here are what they are.
1. A very light pain killer such as Tylenol #3, tramadol or nucynta.
2. NSAIDs such as meloxicam, ibuprofen, aleve, diclofenac or Tylenol
3. (DEPENDS ON WHICH JOINT YOU ARE HAVING REPLACED). Talk to your anesthesiologist about placing a nerve block with a catheter pump. This will work for about 3 days after your surgery (which are usually the worst pain wise). Most times anesthesiologists place a single shot block to help with pain immediately after the surgery and they last for about 8-10 hours post op. If they have the availability and expertise, they may also place a catheter next to the nerve and a pump filled with anesthetic which continues that block for 3 days. This option however depends on your surgeon and anesthesiologist. So ask about this before your surgery.
Hope the answer helped and good luck.
Pain can be caused by any abnormal process that changes the architecture of bones .. joints..soft tissue & organs..

swelling .. inflammation .. gas distending the hollow organs are the basic cause of pain.. repairing or correcting the disease process will usually illuminate the need for painkillers & anti-inflammatory medications..

pain is a warning signal.. & taking medication to relieve the pain is like cutting the wire to your emergency fire exit ..

Honestly.. I would like a little more info here.. but.. let us talk about the joint..

The joints .. or.. articulations.. are the sites where two or more bones come together & meet.. Joints have 2-fundamental functions.. they give the skeleton mobility..&.. hold it together.. Joints are the weakest part of the skeleton..

Fibrous joints .. the bones are joined together by connective tissue collagen fibers.. & ..there is no joint cavity..

Cartilaginous joints.. are like fibrous joints.. in that they are lacking the joint cavity..

Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid containing joint cavity... this arrangement.. allows for a lot of freedom of movement..

Now.. I am assuming.. you are having issues with a synovial joint..
A feature unique to the synovial joint.. is the joint cavity.. which is a space that contains a small amount of Synovial fluid..

The joint cavity is it enclosed by a two layer articular capsule .. or .. joint capsule.. which is strengthening the joint so that the bones are not pulled apart... the inner layer of the joint capsule.. is a synovial membrane.. composed of loose connective tissue.. the Synovial membrane functions... to make synovial fluid..

Synovial fluid is a small amount of slippery fluid that occupies... all the free spaces within the joint capsule.. The fluid is made by filtering the blood flow through the capillaries in the synovial membrane..

Synovial fluid provides a slippery weight-bearing film.. that reduces friction between the cartilages..

without this lubrication .. rubbing .. would wear away joint surfaces & .. excessive friction could overheat & destroy the joint tissues..

Synovial fluid is forced from the cartilage when a joint is compressed..
as the pressure on the joint is relieved the synovial fluid.. seeps back into the articular cartilage like water into a sponge..
this process is called weeping lubrication .. as it lubricates the free surfaces of the cartilage while nourishing the cells..

I would first.. like a look at your diet.. because .. of the functioning filtration process the synovial membrane has of the blood .. that is creating the synovial fluid..

if there is toxins within the blood .. this can alter the ability of synovial membrane to function properly .. as there toxic oxidizing chemicals around that can damage the membrane.. causing inflammation .. as.. right there .. within the area is immune eating cells .. that are clearing away .. any microbes & cellular debris..

with damage to the membrane .. this will increase the amount of the Phagocytes.. which are the immune eating cells.. within the area.. this is called inflammation.. as more & more immune cells show up ..

this increases pressure .. on the nerves .. swelling .. in the area as more immune cells are showing up to fix the damage & proteins are leaking .. out of the bloodstream to fix the damage .. as well.. redness .. occurs as there is a increase in blood flow to the area...

I would like you to look into Mycotoxins ..

Molds are a organism which are neither plant nor animal. They are part of the fungi kingdom..

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by mold species...
Myco = fungal.. &.. toxin = poison...

These mycotoxins are some of the most toxic substances none in existence. ...
Mycotoxins are not like a mold spore...They are a metabolite = a product of a fungal metabolism .. that the organism omits or .. puts out to kill other bacteria .. or other molds..

Mycotoxins are also very toxic to all animal groups...
even in a low concentration...

Aflatoxin made by Aspergillus mold is the most well known...
because very toxic & carcinogenic = cancer causing...

The American Food and Agriculture estimates that at least 25% of all the worlds food crop is contaminated with the mycotoxin = Aflatoxin.. &.. other mycotoxins....

Though reducing steps are taken, it is impossible to eliminate.. &.. it is the amount of exposure that is the problem.. theses are mutagenic chemicals.. that can alter DNA .. as well as newly transcribed proteins.. that have function in the body..

Reduce your grain in take.. corn.. peanuts.. peanut butter.. pistachios.. potatoes.. all grains.. are myco-toxic .. focus on low sugar fruits & berries .. veggies.. lean meats & diary.. &.. you may be able to reduce the inflammation.. just with dietary changes..
Hyaluronic / chondrointin sulfate intrarticular injections
Nerve block
5% Lidocaine patch / ointment
NSAID patch / cream
TENS units
This is a great question! The opiod epidemic is a big problem. We help people with their pain in many different non-narcotic options. Without seeing you as a patient, it is impossible to give a specific recommendation for you. Please give us a call to schedule a consultation 480.361.4005
Most of the world uses Voltarin IV post operatively with good results. This along with PO tramadol or gabapentin could be used
Some pain management options to discuss with your physician could include: Acupuncture, Heel non-steroidal natural anti-inflammatory injections, natural anti-inflammatory botanicals and prescription non-narcotic pain relievers such as Toradol, NSAIDS, neuropathic pain medications, such as, gabapentin, muscles relaxants and other non-narcotic traditional pain medications that are applicable to your type of pain management.

Have a conversation with your doctor about options and prepare before your surgery. I have seen acupuncture be significant with pain reduction and expedite healing with my patients post surgery.
That would be hard, sometimes continuous nerve catheter may be helpful, but non-narcotic medications like NSAIDs can be tried also.

Good luck!