Neurologist Questions

I had a lighter explode into my eye

Hello there. I had the contents of lighter fluid explode into my eye in 2021. I had an mri done in Feb 2023 and it showed that there was nothing wrong with my brain. I have erratic mood swings because of it and I suffer from schizoaffective disorder. I was wondering if there is any medication that could ease my brain trauma? I go through spells of crying throughout the day now.

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Invega, lithium, trazodone
Conditions: Schizoaffective

1 Answer

You are already on some. Talk to your Doctor about trying you on one of the  anticonvulsant medications ( Carbamazepines, Lamotrigene, Topiramate and Valproic acid ). I find they are quite useful as adjunct or even primary mood stabilizers. Good luck. Dr. F. Sent from AOL on Android