Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

I have a fever during the day only?

I have an ESR of 20 and a fever today of 99.8 F. The ultrasound report, LFT test, lung x-ray, CBC (only white cells have increased) look normal. I have been having a fever for 4 days. But fever is not in the morning, nor at night. It is only from noon to early evening.

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 5days
Conditions: Fever

3 Answers

Fever is 100.4. So are you really having a fever? Or is your body temperature simply fluctuating?
You could have just an infection but discuss with your PCP what the doctor thinks.
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Normal body temperatures vary between 97 and 99. If the temperature is greater than 100.4, this is an indication of illness or infection. Best to check with your primary care physician.