Doctor Questions Doctor

I have a sore on my buttock?

I’ve had a sore on my buttock for several weeks. It was sore and itchy at one point but not currently. It just doesn’t seem to heal. I’ve tried some topical creams (clobetesol and triple antibiotic) and witch hazel. During the timeframe of having the sore I’ve taken atenelol, diphenhydramine, Effexor, trazodone, promethazine, Prilosec, calcium tablets, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen.

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 30-60 days
Medications: See message
Conditions: History of Lichen sclerosis (not in this area)

3 Answers

See your physician.
Basal cell.

Robin Luiz, MSN, RN, HCI
I have now seen the picture you attached on my phone, but it was not on my PC. Definitely a cyst, and my advice from before holds.

Yours truly,

Dr. Richard Evan (Rick) Steele