Doctor Questions Doctor

I have covid stomach pain?

My husband has covid and taking clarithromycin along with Zinc, vitamin C, Aspirin, Tylenol, and Airborne. He has diabetes and has diarrhea and stomachache and nausea. What anti-acid medicine can I give him that is safe over the counter?

Male | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Tylenol aspirin clarithromycin vitamin c zinc airborne
Conditions: Diabetic and covid

2 Answers

Dear Patient: Prilosec can cause diarrhea; try Zantac. Speak to your physician as stopping Clarithromycin may help as it can cause multiple gastrointestinal problems. and is usually used for respiratory illness.

Marvin A Leder MD FACP FACE
Any pill like pepcid or prilosec is safe.