Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I have dizziness and neck pain for 2 years?

Hi, my complaints appeared 2 years ago as giddiness in my head. After a while, my complaints such as a swaying sensation in my head, imbalance, headache and neck pain, the need to hold my neck upright, started to become regular every day. First, I went to the emergency room, a brain tomography was taken, it was clean, I was told that it might be stress because it was my exam period, and betaserc was given. Then I went to neurology, brain MRI was done and it came out clean.

Afterward, I was examined in the physical therapy department, neck MRI and x-ray were taken, it was found that the neck was flattened, and exercise and muscle relaxant cream was given. My complaints continued for several more months. When I went to neurology again, MRI was done again, it was clean, essential tremor was suspected. Since I also have dizziness and imbalance, neck Doppler was taken and it came out clean. Blood tests and thyroid tests were also clean. Then I went to a pain specialist, there was a nerve block in my neck, but my problems continued. Later that pain specialist referred me to psychiatry, saying that the problem was the excessive tension of my neck muscles and psychological. I used antidepressants for 6-7 months. While I was using Duxet, my complaints were almost gone, but later, when I was allergic to the drug, I switched to another drug and my complaints came back with other drugs.

In this process, excessive jaw pain was added to my complaints. My complaints did not go away with psychotherapy and psychiatry. I started ozone therapy, neural therapy, and acupuncture treatment at the complementary medicine center. Even though there are 4 sessions now, my pain still continues in the same way. My current complaints are headache, jaw pain, drowsiness, and feeling of being in a dream, fainting when standing still but not fainting, imbalance, facial pain, inability to sit upright at the table, increased pain when sitting, floating objects in the eyes, tension as if my neck is being pulled down, floating in my eyes objects. My complaints start 1 hour after waking up every day and continue with varying intensities until I go to bed. I do not see any benefit from painkillers or muscle relaxants, only when I drink alcohol do my complaints go away. What would you recommend I do? Thanks in advance.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 18 02 1998

2 Answers

Sorry for your symptoms.....First, STOP's a carcinogen.....You might want to consider going to an ENT specialist and get your inner ears tested. Do you have dizziness with loud noises?
Not really sure what else to say other than all the best.....
As I see from all the medical and psychiatric evaluations your symptoms have continued except when you took your first antidepressant which unfortunately you became allergic to. My only suggestion would be to try another psychiatric evaluation.