Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

I have pain in the right and left shoulder and neck?

Four years ago, I started feeling pain when moving my right shoulder with a crackling sound when moving it. A year later, the same pain appeared in my left shoulder for no reason, and the pain in the shoulder increased when I had a cold. An MRI on my right shoulder, but the result was normal. Neck pain also appeared months ago and continues to this day.

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: Four years ago until now
Medications: I took some painkillers and anti-inflammatories before, but for a while I haven't used them anymore

4 Answers

At first glance the most likely explanation I'd think that it could be tendinitis-tendinosis of the supraspinatous tendon. This is further supported by the absence of sensory motorr complaints.
Sometimes the neuralgy amyotrophy presents in this recurrent way
By saying the pain is in your shoulder, where exactly? In the trapezius region or in the actual shoulder? X-rays normal? Have you tried PT? Both shoulders still hurt as well as your neck? Have you had an MRI of your neck? Injections?
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A good home therapy regimen is to take NSAIDs for about 2 weeks regardless of how you feel and see where that takes you. After that, may wanna go see ortho and/or neurosurgery....
At 25, you are a bit young for arthritis, but still a possibility. I suggest looking with an MRI at your cervical spine to see if there's a problem there (pinched nerve(s) or other problems. When you have a cold, you can get a viral synovitis, but that is usually limited to weeks and not years. Look into your cervical spine and go from there. 

Dr. F.