Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

I'm not sure if I am diabetic or not?

Hi, I had a lab test and it was a random blood sugar test. I went to the doctor's office he said the results are 6.0, and it's peaking at 8.0 a week later. I went to the pharmacy they did an a1c it showed 7.3. Did the spike come down when in doc office he said I'm not diabetic? I'm on Crestor and Lomax, two blood pressure lowering meds.

Male | 56 years old
Medications: Crestor Lomax coversyl alomapine
Conditions: Pre diabetic

1 Answer

Dear patient,

An A1c of 6.5 or above establishes diagnosis of diabetes. You have had several a1cs above 6.5. Pre-diabetes is diagnosed with A1c of 5.7 to 6.4. You do not mention your blood sugars. The drug Crestor lowers cholesterol not blood pressure. I am not familiar with the drug Lomax (please recheck name of drug). I would suggest you speak to your physician about treatment with anti diabetic drugs to improve control of diabetes in view of elevated A1cs.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE