Neurologist Questions

I think I'm dealing with atonic seizures

My head drops involuntary many yikes in a day in short periods of time one after another. I'm wondering if it is what I suspect it is if it would be counted as status epiletcus. It happens constantly. I'm on a neurological waiting list and not been seen in a while near to two yrs from now? Do I need more immediate treatment? It's happened for over a Yr now.

Female | 18 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: History of hypothyroidism

2 Answers

Your primary care physician can order an ambulatory EEG. Take video of your spells. That way the neurologist has all the information needed. Its possible that you have a muscle disease or a sleep disorder such as narcolepsy triggering the head drop. If you are falling asleep, even briefly with the head nods then you also need a specialized sleep study called MSLT. Again your PCP can order that ahead of your appointment. Hope this helps
For a problem such as you describe, going on for a year I feel it would be important for you to be seen urgently. The type of seizures you describe, this d not be status epilepticus. Leon Rosenberg