Urology Questions Urologist


Can a woman with a yeast infection give a man a viral infection?

Male | 55 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Conditions: Swelling irration

4 Answers

It is impossible to transmit a viral infection through a yeast infection. You can transmit a yeast infection to a male, which manifests by a red, flaky foreskin.

Dr. Niko Lailas
No, a yeast infection does not convert to a transmitted viral infection. But a woman with a vaginal yeast infection AND a viral herpes or HPV wart outbreak, can sexually transfer the viral infection to her sexual partner.
Yeast infections and viral infections are separate, different entities. The yeast infection may be transmitted, so may a viral infection, but one has really nothing to do with the other.
If a male is uncircumcised it is possible to get a yeast infection of the head of the penis ,you can also get a infection of the glans can happen called Balanitis. This is a bacterial infection of the head if the penis. A viral infection of the genitals are all related to STDs and can coexist with a yeast infection.