Dentist Questions Oral Health

Is a baking soda rinse safe for my teeth?

I recently read an article that said rinsing your mouth with baking soda can help clean the teeth and prevent infections. Is this really true? Will it damage my teeth?

17 Answers

Baking soda is already used in a few different tooth paste, so you should be safe.
Yes - I also utilized banking soda and natural toothpaste and mouthwash which are healthy natural protocols.
No. Do not swallow. Increased BP and metabolic issues (akalosis if overused).

Great question! Baking soda will not damage your teeth, however, it is best to use a fluoridated toothpaste to clean your teeth for the best protection. There are baking soda toothpastes sold over-the-counter.

Dr. Joe Ferraro
It won’t damage your teeth. Proper flossing and brushing techniques can best clean teeth and prevent infections.
Baking soda is safe to use. It cleans teeth well and buffers the oral acidity.
Yes, it is, but it doesn't taste very good. I like to recommend an ADA product as it is been properly researched and has fluoride in it as an additive.
Baking soda and a mix of salt and baking soda have been used for years. I don't think it harms teeth or gums. There are some very effective antibacterial mouth rinses on the market.
Good home care is an important part of good oral health. Regular visits to your dentist are very important. Twice a year is common, but some people require three to four visits.
Yes it is, but do not brush too hard.
It won’t damage your teeth and can be a good addition but doesn’t replace brushing and flossing.
Yes. However toothpaste is best. Colgate total is the best on the market today.
Baking soda is overly emphasized. You need to floss at least every other day. You need to brush daily, preferably with an electric tooth brush - it makes an enormous difference. You need to see a dental hygienist twice a year. This will be good to prevent gum disease in most people.
It can be too abrasive. Systemically, it can do the following:
Sodium Bicarbonate Side Effects

-Increased level of body pH (metabolic alkalosis)
-Worsening congestive heart failure
-Severe muscle spasms and contractions (tetany)
-Swelling in the feet, ankles, and lower legs
-High levels of sodium in the blood

Used judiciously (not too hard and not too much), it can be okay. I prefer tooth and gum toothpaste.

Alan B. Steiner, DMD
Yes baking soda is safe for your teeth. It is not abrasive, but it really doesn't do anything special for your teeth and gums. It also doesn't contain fluoride which prevents cavities.
Great question! While brushing with baking soda can be a bit abrasive to the enamel, it may cause tooth sensitivity as well as eventual dulling of the teeth, rinsing with it balances the pH in the mouth which decreases the risk of ulcers and caries.
I hope this helps!
Baking soda is abrasive. If you use it you should do so sparingly and perhaps once a week for heavy stains. Ideally you should have your dentist evaluate your teeth/mouth for the best suggestions for your daily oral hygiene routine.
It is absolutely safe. As a matter of fact, we used to teach patients to mix together baking soda and peroxide. It is good for the gums and good for the teeth, and the peroxide will help whiten your teeth over time.