Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is disc hernia serious?

I was diagnosed with a disc hernia. Is disc hernia serious?

5 Answers

Yes, nothing to fool around with and can be corrected with Non-Surgical Spinal decompression using the proper Accu spinal decompression tables.
Disc herniations can be painful and lifestyle altering but are not fatal.
It depends on the size, location and symptoms. Often disc herniations may treated without surgery but at times surgery may be required.
That is a loaded question. Intervertebral disc herniations range from mild to severe and there is the delima. Also there have been studies showing 30% of people without back or leg pain will have a disc herniation on MRI. Also there is evidence that many disc herniations will improve with time. So YES they can be serious and yet most won't cause long term problems. You should however seek proper medical care,
Disc hernias can be serious, it depends on how much you herniated the disc and if it's touching the nerve roots. Please see a professional to evaluate your situation.