Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Is it fatal?

I've always had issues with my stomach and constipation. I've always had a little bloating. A month ago I started having some mild stomach ache and more constipation and some nausea that would come and go. Now it hurts to sit up for too long and hurts to lay flat on my back for too long. I still have nausea. My belly is bloated and in some areas tender to touch. A heating pad eases the symptoms but doesn't take them away. I also have back pain, upper and middle mostly, and my shoulder blades down to wear my bra strap touches in the back.

Female | 41 years old
Complaint duration: 1 mo
Medications: Dilantin 400 mgs.. Albuterol inhaler.
Conditions: Asthma, Gerd, epilepsy

2 Answers

Hello, you mentioned GERD and I would like you to avoid acidic foods and if you have not been tested for H.Pylori and celiac disease, please ask your PCP to do blood tests and please see your PCP.
This doesn't sound fatal. You should be evaluated for your symptoms and a physical exam should be done to help figure out what is causing the trouble.