Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Is it just a mole or basal cell carcinoma?

I’ve had a small bump on my head for years now. No matter how much I pick at it, it just keeps coming back. It’s sometimes really itchy and crusty and sometimes it’s so soft that you can’t even feel it.
Its size has also been growing a little in the past years.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: Years

2 Answers

It is hard to tell by the photograph but it seems suspicious enough to warrant close up examination with dermatoscope by your dermatologist. I hope this helps.
I find that pictures can be deceiving. Although the lesion looks like an irritated mole, it would be best to visit a local dermatologist who may want to look at this more closely with a Dermatoscope or biopsy the growth and have a Dermatopathologist examine it under the microscope.
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