Dentist Questions Dentist

Is it normal to have pain 6 days after tooth extraction?

I had a tooth extraction 6 days ago. It still hurts. Is it normal to have pain 6 days after tooth extraction?

4 Answers

It depends on how bad the tooth was or type of impaction. Yes it can be painful but always speak with your dentist about post op pain.
You may have a dry socket. Please contact your doctor who did the extraction.
It depends on what tooth was extracted and what condition it was in when you had the surgery. Usually the pain from the extraction goes away in just a few days. If it is a lower tooth, especially a molar, you could have developed a dry socket which will need additional care. If it an upper tooth, dry sockets are rare and there may be something else going on like a residual infection. In any case, call your dentist. And good luck.

Dr. Michael Conrad
Though throbbing pain usually lasts two to four days after extraction, it is not uncommon to experience pain up to 7 days.