Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is massage or chiropractor better for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis and want to treat it. Is massage or chiropractor better for scoliosis?

5 Answers

Scoliosis is a permanent deformity of the spine. It can be corrected With surgery during Pediatric growth. In adults, it's just another cause of back pain And consultation would be wise with an orthopedic surgeon. Who would First order good Imaging tests such as X-rays? Of course, many people have scoliosis without pain. adults with scoliosis Can have poor Posture, weak muscles, and also arthritis. Images such as X-rays or CAT scans or even MRI studies Can give a more specific reason for the pain. Leading to better management and cure or lessening of the pain.
Neither treat scoliosis, but only may help some back pain symptoms. If the patient is not skeletally mature, bracing can help correct curvature. If the patient is skeletally mature, surgery is the only corrective method. Consult with a spine surgeon to learn where you stand.
I would need to know your age. If you are under 18 years of age, you should definitely see an orthopedic scoliosis specialist. Scoliosis in itself usually does not cause pain unless it is very severe. The chance of having back pain with mild scoliosis is the same as if your back was straight. If you have scoliosis but no pain there is no need for any type of treatment. If you are an adult and have some pain the cause may be something else such as myofascial pain, facet pain, or disc pain. In this scenario, massage therapy and chiropractic can be both very helpful. However, if the pain does not resolve after a few treatments you may wish to consult a specialist to obtain x-rays and/or MRI studies to diagnose the source of your pain. If MRI studies do not show any significant pathology, you can continue chiropractic and/or massage therapy as they can be both temporarily very beneficial.
Neither; go see an ortho.