Urologist Questions Urologist

Is this medicine safe to use on my penis?

My penis foreskin is tight and the doctor recommended me to use toplap gel inside and outside the penis rim and retract the skin and loosen it. Is this medicine safe to use on my penis?

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Medications: No
Conditions: When i pull skin back it makes skin cracks on penis

2 Answers

Toplap gel is safe to use on unbroken skin, including the genitalia. However it may not fix your underlying problem. I would recommend a cream with a small amount of steroid. Apply twice daily for 3 weeks to the inside and outside of foreskin. This should assist the skin to stretch and reduce the cracking and hopefully produce a lasting improvement.

Sounds okay, yes. But make sure that you seek consultation with a urologist, not just a primary care physician please.
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