Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Knee pain?

The inner part of my knee hurts and the back of my knees hurts as well. They also are throbbing. It appeared with a black bruise near the inner part of my left knee. Now it’s red and they hurt when walking.

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 24/6/2022

5 Answers

There is a wide array of treatments and modalities. I will be happy to discuss them in an office visit.
Is there a click or pop still happening? does it feel like it wants to give out.
Most likely you have chondromalacia patellae. Google this term and read about it. Do the exercises that are recommended. Take Advil, 2 tablets with each meal for 2 weeks to see if it helps. Avoid squats, lunges, stair climbing as this will aggravate your problem.
Hope it helps!!
Without knowing how this happened I really can't be specific in my answer. If this occurred after going camping you might want to get tested for Lyme's disease. A blood test will tell you if you have that. If it occurred after vigorous exercise(s) it could be bad tendonitis or a ruptured hamstring tendon. You need to get assessed for that by an orthopedic doctor or a chiropractor.
Get it checked out. Bruises from a bump... not that big a deal... BUT, if you have throbbing and it turns red, it is most likely a more serious injury, (like something got torn) or a possible infection.