Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Antibiotics

LPR , Too much Antibiotics?

I think I have Gerd or LPR, the symptoms are more similar to LPR ,,I have been feeling symptoms and hoarseness for about 6 months now, I haven't seen a specialist due to long waiting list,,I am talking Famotidine 20 mg 2xs a day in afternoon and night and Omeprazole 20 mg 1 x in the morning,, My gut is feeling better and my symptoms have decreased but I am still hoarse, How long until my voice starts getting better?,, I also have been getting a lot of dental work done the last 5 months ,,And over that time have been prescribed amoxicillin and penicillin during intervals while getting work done. The Dentist wants me to come back to see him and take another battery of amoxicillin, It has only been 3 weeks since my last prescription and the fifth time in so many months ,,Isn't that too soon and too many times to be taking antibiotics? Thank you

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 7 months
Medications: Famotidine 20 mg ,Omeprazole

1 Answer

Get tested for Hpylori, which is an infection in the stomach leading to increased GERD. It would be best to eat yogurt and re-establish gut flora.
May dose of PPI, 80 mg a day, for 30 days can be helpful, allowing the throat to heal. I would get tested for Hpylori with a stool antigen test.