Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Lower left back pain?

I have a lower left backache, and it's been going on for almost 3 days now. It was persistent the entire day the first day, but now it's off and on. Sometimes when I stay still it doesn't hurt, but when I move it aches. Mostly it's just an ache no matter what. I have been drinking a lot of water yet it's still there. Rarely do I get small pains in my right lower side.

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: I took advil but it didn't help.
Conditions: I have never seen a doctor

5 Answers

There is a lot of scientific evidence that Chiropractic Care is a best treatment for Lower Back Pain. As with all complaints, it is important for the Chiropractor to do a through patient Consultation and Examination to rule out more serious causes of the back pain. Spinal misalignment with loss of normal spinal joint motion, which Chiropractic care helps, is the most common reason for Lower Back Pain. Chiropractic care, which includes exercises, is what the most current research shows to work the best.
Could be a kidney stone. I’d at least go to an Urgent Care.
Talk to your parents and go get evaluated by a chiropractor. If it is only a muscle strain it should be completely gone in 3 days. If it is persisting it is worth getting a look at by the ones who know it best.
Hello and thanks for sharing your lower back issue with the FATD community. I offer you my thoughts, tips, and suggestions regarding your problem. From the history you provided, it seems as if there was no traumatic event. Therefore, I assume the pain came on insidiously (for no specific reason). I am happy to read that it is getting better. The most common cause is positional fatigue of the muscles or a postural imbalance. Once the muscles fatigue or the sitting posture becomes tired and the alignment fails, then the body can react by causing pain as a part of the inflammatory process. Once this sets in, the best thing to do is rest, take anti-inflammatory medications (after speaking with your doctor), and then use heat around the area. The best way to prevent this from returning is to not sit for more than 30 minutes a time, and if you have to, then try and get up and stretch for 60-90 seconds. I like this link:
Ultimately, getting into the habit of gently yet completely stretching your lower back, then doing the right exercises to strengthen and condition the corset muscles around your lower back and core, will allow you to happily exist without pain. I like this link:
Finally, be mindful of the things you do (and be lucky and not suffer from an accident). I am optimistic that you will continue to feel better, but it may take 2-4 weeks. I hope this helps.

Since it hurts most when you move, it sounds like a musculoskeletal issue. Try to stretch the lower back muscles, use ice or heat(whichever feels better), and some ibuprofen if you can take that. If the symptoms persist for over a week, see a Chiropractor get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment plan. Take care and be well.