Dermatologist Questions Pinworms

Mintezol for pinworms?

Hi, I had pinworms for the past 2 years. I used all the drugs available and so far nothing has worked to get rid of the worms completely. I was told the only drugs that really suppress the eggs are Mentezol or thiabendazole. Are these drugs still available, and can I get a prescription from my doctor?

Male | 51 years old

3 Answers

Most of these medications require a second treatment once the eggs hatch to kill remaining worms. Please see your primary care physician or dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Mintezole is not the only treatment for pi worms. First, have the diagnosis confirmed. Then, you can be treated with Mebendazole, Albendazole, Pyrantel pamoate, or if all else fails, Ivermectin. You would need 2 treatments 10 days to two weeks apart.
Good luck!
Please trust your doctor. Talk to him/her. High possibility of re-infection.