Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Hematologist

My blood test results?

I have ITP and I'm undergoing treatment for that. I have several symptoms of Autoimmune (Rheumatology) so was sent to a rheumatologist and had all the tests run. All came back negative except a greater than 75 Complement Total and a positive Antinuclear Ab HE-2 substrate/Speckled. Does this mean anything?

Female | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 2021
Medications: N-plate
Conditions: ITP

2 Answers

yes needs further studies
Absolutely yes it does. ITP and auto immune diseases are associated with each other to a degree where there is still the study of cause-and-effect. SLE, Sjogren’s disease, and other autoimmune disease is or associated with ATP. Therefore your ITP can cause an auto immune disease, or your autoimmune disease kicked your ITP in as well. Unfortunately, you have two for one or what would be considered as two stages of one illness. I wish you well, thank you for the question, and make sure you speak with both your rheumatologist, you’re a hematologist, as well as your primary care physician for a complete and total care package

Be well
Brent Reinheimer, MD