Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose & Throat

My ears are horrible and making life miserable. What should I do

Trying to figure out what I should do. I have ears that are constantly full of liquid, painful, itchy and I can not hear most days. Meaning I have about 20 percent of my hearing on a daily basis. This has been going on for like 10 years. I have gone into urgent care several times and they tell me everything looks ok but maybe I have an ear infection. They give me antibiotics and it doesn’t solve the problem. Nothing ever helps and they treat it like it’s no big deal. So I ordered a Smartbud ear camera and found that my ears are so full of liquid goop and it’s all so far back that I can’t even reach it to get it out. They are red, flakey and inflamed all throughout. What should I do?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 10 years

5 Answers

Possibly this is an external ear canal infection and oral antibiotics are not helpful. an external ear drop like cortisporin otic may be helpful. Keep the ear canal dry as water will feed the infection. another possibility this could be canal eczema and you may benefit from steroid creme usage.
I think it would be a good idea to schedule an appointment with an ENT for an ear exam and ear cleaning. You may have problems with chronic infection and/or eczema of the ear canals by your description. You would also benefit from an audiogram (hearing test).
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Without seeing you its hard to make a proper diagnosis. Most likely its eczema. Try using mometasone lotion in your ears
Patients with your story often have yhe habit of constantly manipulating their ears by using Q-tips, keys, bobby pins, toothpicks. etc., to dry or scratch gheir ears. Infection can result, and can become chronic. Antibiotic ear drops often work better than oral. You would best served by consulting an ear specialist.
Please see an ENT for ear cleaning, wax can look like “liquid goop” sometimes, can even get skin conditions like psoriasis in the ear canal which can cause discomfort