Ophthalmologist Questions

My eyelids are swollen

My eyeslids especially the line above the lashes hurts since the last Wednesday. And because i was annoyed. I started pressing on my eyelids which the next day caused very small swelling. I went to visit a doctor and she applied so much pressure and told me that it is sebaceous cyst. She told me i should apply that much pressure on the eyes using cotton with warm water. But today as i woke up it became even more swollen and hurts really bad.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: Since last Wednesday
Conditions: No chronic illness

4 Answers

If you have pain and swelling, you could have an infection. It would be best for you to seek medical care.

Alan J Franklin MD, PhD
Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery
Diagnostic And Medical Clinic
1720 Springhill Ave. Suite 300
Mobile, AL 36604
Cell: 251-776-4455
It is difficult to determine what this is without photos/exam but I would try cold compresses or ice. 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. If this doesn't get better in a few days, see an eye doctor.
Sounds like a misdiagnosis. You should see your ophthalmologist.
It sounds like good advice.