Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Doctor

My throat hurts?

It’s been 3 days since I have had moderate throat pain, it’s been hard to swallow and eat and otc medicine is not doing anything. Today I woke up it is awful voice is almost gone sounds really bad and raspy feels worse and coughing up thick mucus.

Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: OTC medicine

2 Answers

Symptoms may be typical of an acute inflammatory upper respiratory and oropharyngeal infection, presumed secondary to virus for which the voice issues and acute laryngeal irritation will tend to regress within several days.
Pictures are not very helpful in this case and the differential for a sore throat is very large and wide ranging. It can be caused from allergies to new meds causing dry throat to viral process to bacterial process to GERD/reflux to smoking, etc. Best thing to do is go to your PCP or a clinic and get ruled out for COVID-19 or Strep, Mono (CMV), etc. IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE GETTING WORSE, gargle with warm salt water 4-5 times per day, do NOT smoke, avoid sugar and dairy products, use OTC Tylenol/NSAIDS for fever and pain, and drink lots of fluids, especially water.
Hope you feel better soon.