Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Non-heart attack?

I was sitting at home in the pm, I started feeling dizzy and felt I might pass out and called 911. They recorded my heart rate at 33 bpm, I came out of it and was fine - cause. I did walk with heart monitor my heart was fine? It's been a year, yesterday at a denturist office it happen again but came out of it alone. What may be going on I'm slim 77 years old, I walk a minimum of an hour or two most days and walk fast.

Male | 77 years old
Complaint duration: 4 hrs
Medications: non
Conditions: all good

2 Answers

Bradycardia is a condition where the heart rate is very slow which causes lightheadedness,dizziness and at times passing out. This condition indicate disturbances of electrical system of the heart. You need to consult an Electrophysiologist ( expert in heart rhythm). You may have to wear a monitor that continuously monitors your heart rhythm and if it shows slowing down of the heart rate you may need a pacemaker which is a fairly simple procedure.
If both episodes happened without any stress you probably need a pacemaker.