Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Pain in left shoulder blade area?

I have since late January of this year, experienced brief bouts of dull pain in my left shoulder area that can be felt also in my left upper arm. It always subsides when I drink water and take two low-dose aspirins. No other accompanying issues. Is this serious? I will be 68 years old in two weeks, and I am female. No issues of concern after my physical last Fall.

Female | 67 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Osteoporosis which has been treated

3 Answers

Good evening, this is Dr. Palmer. Given your history of osteoporosis and continuous brief bouts of dull pain in your left shoulder the first thing that comes to my mind would be issues with your rotator cuff or simply tight muscles in view of the fact that it responds to water and to low-dose aspirins. But there also may be an issue with the suprascapular nerve causing irritation to the scapular muscles. I would get an x-ray of the shoulder and follow that up with an MRI if it continues to bother you. You may also try a gentle range of motion program and progressive as tolerated to see if your symptoms become less intense and less frequent .
I wish you all the best
Dr. Pf
You need to see a physiatrist who is well trained to treat your problem.
Please see a Cardiologist. Heart pain can cause similar symptoms. If that is not the cause, then see an Orthopedist.