Anesthesiologist Questions

Partial knee replacement

What anesthesia is recommended for this type of surgery? If it is spinal anesthesia can I remain alert and oriented during the surgery? I have a fear of general anesthesia and being given a paralytic where if I were to wake u during surgery I would not be able to speak or move. Thanks!

Male | 66 years old
Complaint duration: NA
Medications: losarten, statin
Conditions: future surgery

4 Answers

Spinal anesthesia is used for that surgery. It will be up to the anesthesiologist if it is safe for you based on your medical history. If it is used you can remain alert and oriented. Fear of anesthesia is common, but the chances of anesthesia awareness is very rare. Have a discussion with your anesthesiologist the day of surgery and they should be able to alleviate many of your fears.
Spinal anesthesia is an excellent choice. If I were having this surgery that is what I would choose. Another alternative is epidural anarthria (also in the back) with a catheter to give you several days of pain control. Dr. Odell Las Vegas
Spinal anesthesia is a very common means of providing anesthesia for knee surgery/replacement. You should ask for it. You can also request either none or minimal sedation during the procedure. With the spinal, you will feel no pain but will be aware of your surroundings without sedation.
Knee replacement can be done with general anesthesia or a spinal. Typically, patients are sedated if this procedure is done with a spinal . Most people won't want to hear power tools or smell burning of their own flesh while in the operating room