General Practitioner Questions Pneumonia


I have had a really horrible cough for a week and it is hard to breath in and out, my back is hurting. I am running a fever, but my body is cold but is also sweaty. I’m really tired and weak. I went into the doctor the other day but they just sent me home with cough medicine saying it was viral. Mind you my cough and symptoms have gotten worse. Is this pneumonia?

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days
Medications: Virtrussin
Conditions: None

2 Answers

It is true that most upper respiratory infections are viral and will run their course. But sometimes when they do not get better a bacterial infection can be entertained. I would return to your provider, especially if you have not improved several days after the first visit or if you continue to get worse.
Yes, this could be pneumonia and requires investigation and treatment.
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