Doctor Questions Doctor

Post injury inflamation or not?

So about 1-2 years ago I fractured both my wrists on separate occasions, I went to the hospital and on both times I went through the usual procedure of x-rays, casts, and then wrist braces. But now and again after I have been using my wrists, I get mediocre pain in my wrists. Is this just post-injury inflammation or should I get this checked out?

Male | 13 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

You have torn ligaments. Prolozone therapy or platelet-rich fibrin injections can help.

Dr. Linda Li
Common post injury soft tissue pain
Yes you should get this pain checked out. Sometimes after an injury there is risk of what is called tendinopathy. This is not a type of inflammation but over use and degeneration of the tendon which attaches the muscle to the bone. It is important to get an ultrasound done and see your physician. Since physiotherapy and other types of treatments might be required
I believe it to be post inflammation. Naprosyn or Motrin should help. If in 5 days you get no relief see your regular physician.