OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Pregnancy possibility?

Hi, I want to ask something about pregnancy. So me and my partner are wearing our underwear while dry humping. but, at the moment I was about to ejaculate, I shoved her away and I held on to my penis while ejaculating in my underwear. But right after I ejaculated, she sat on me very quickly only cause I shoved her away again. Also, she was wearing napkin pads because it was the 4th day of her menstrual cycle. Can that scenario make her pregnant? I'm worried cause I'm paranoid if the sperm can penetrate her vagina during the time she sat on me after I ejaculate or during our dry hump sex and my "precum".

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 1

1 Answer

It is incredibly unlikely that anyone would get pregnant if no vaginal intercourse has occurred.