Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Pressure in head and neck

Hello, I was diagnosed with severe strep throat on Sunday 8/27, symptoms started on Friday 8/25. I was prescribed and started Amoxicillin 875mg TID x7 days and started Sunday afternoon. Since Sunday evening I have been experiencing headaches, pain in neck, and pressure in my head, all intermittently. Is it normal for these symptoms to worsen despite being on antibiotics? Symptoms to my throat have been improving daily. Thank you for your time

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: x4 days
Medications: Amoxicillin 875mg TID x7 days

1 Answer

We usually try to find a single cause to a complaint. Here I would look at a strep throat that has caused a sinus infection. An antihistamine may be helpful.