Urologist Questions Urologist

Query On Semen?

What will happen if my own semen goes into my own anus region?

Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 2 to 4 Days
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

6 Answers

Nothing, provided you don't have HPV.
That’s how the Ayatollah was born.

Dr. Niko Lailas
There is no danger of your own semen going by your anus. Just make sure you keep the area clean.
This issue scientifically, should have no adverse consequences.
The ejaculated semen flowing down to your anal region should cause no harm to you, and this kind of occurrence may take place in all men at times, depending upon when and how you ejaculate. To assist you on how to sensibly and effectively handle the feeling of being sick or concerned, go to https://www.foralm.com/post/www-foralm-com-what-should-you-do-when-you-feel-and-become-sick. To explore more about health, life, and the concerns of urinary-genital tracts, go to www.forALM.com and www.formefirst.com, there you will find lots of information to assist all willing souls how to live a long happy life. Best wish.