Colon and Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

Rectum discharge?

My 84 year old mom is experiencing an uncontrollable fluid (not a bowel movement) from her rectum. It was 3 times while sleeping last night and all day when standing up. Not a huge amount at a time. She’s wearing a pad. She had breast cancer in 2019, removed underarm lymph nodes. Now she has swelling in her arm and is wearing a sleeve to remove the fluid. Wondering if this could be that fluid?

Female | 84 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Conditions: Breast cancer survivor

2 Answers

Depending on what type of medication your mother is taking could result in your description. If she is no longer on chemo, radiation, or any other type of medication I would make sure that I go and take her in to get a valuated because there is a problem. If she can’t hold it in it could be muscular which could be meaning neurological, which could be anywhere from the spine downwards. It’s not always the most comfortable or easiest thing to deal with and to get to a provider earlier would be much better suited than later. It very well is nothing more than viral gastroenteritis or viral G.I. symptom and resulting in that, or let’s say bad food is eaten, any number of things including good for your food it just increases movement through the bowel tract. Getting her in to be taken care of in a valuated with a provider is important and also noting her rectal tone Will be able to tell you about her neurological ability in order to control her anus and rectum from having leakage until she can get to a bathroom. I hope I was able to provide some assistance and support to you, please take her to an ER, urgent care center, or her primary in order for a good thorough history and more importantly physical exam.
I don't think the rectal discharge is related to the arm swelling. The main problem may be that she simply has fecal incontinence. This happens when the anal sphincter muscles become weak and cannot control any fluid in the rectum. Testing of the fluid and for the strength of the sphincter muscles would probably be helpful.